newborn baby e's sweet mom first contacted me in late december of last year to book a children's session of her fabulously big family. between then & now, we switched the sibling shoot to a gwm plan for the new baby she learn in january that she was expecting :o)
baby e made his debut quite early, but was a tough little nugget-doing well to have come as early as he did. i was eager to finally meet him after following his progress so long. i'll zip it so you all can feast your eyes on this precious, tiny baby boy that makes 8.
he was such a wonderful little subject for me! he slept like a champ, only waking to get some love from one of his big brothers :o) with seven siblings...he is *loved!* i only got to see three of his brothers that day, but my goodness each of them absolutely melted me-how genuinely caring they each were toward their new baby brother!
and below is the very last photo i snapped. it's amazing to me how so often that last frame taken at a session becomes a favorite of mine...this is no exception. i love working with beautiful people :o)
it was wonderful to finally meet you both a & m. baby e is beyond sweetness & i look so forward to watching him grow across the next year!
newborn baby e is a lindeymagee photography grow with me baby. if you're expecting a little blessing of your own & would like to find out more about my grow with me (gwm) plan, contact me through my site & i'll share the details! plans available are limited, so contact me with your expected due date asap if you'd like your baby's first year captured!