pailyn elise magee arrived at 11:03pm last night weighing 6lbs. and measuring 20 1/4 inches long. beautiful. perfect little round face. head full of black hair. amazing lips. double chin. beautiful.
we did the amnio yesterday morning & got the results that her lungs were mature; i was admitted & when they checked me i was a whopping 1 cm. at 1:30ish...less than 10 hours later and just 3 pushes...sweetness was born.
umc is fabulous & it turns out it is truly a blessing that we are here. pailyn's heart, just as we expected has some pac's...she's been examand by the best doctors & her heart isn't a concern...we look for it to work it's way out across some time.
her breathing; however, became a concern while in the room with us after being born. she was 'grunting' with every breath...a little breathing song that raised concern. she was taken to the 'transition' nursery-where they monitor all newborns for a few hours after birth...we were able to visit her & saw her little self laboring/singing for every breath.
they determined to keep her there over night & ordered an xray for her lungs. can i just say going back to the room without my pailyn for the night was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do.
this morning:
pailyn's neonatologist came to see me at 5 something this morning to let us know he & pailyn's nurse had decided it would be wise to go ahead & admit her to the nicu ...that was hard to hear (especially when you've slept about 2 hours in the past 24+)
her x ray showed cloudyness in her lungs & they debate whether there is some fluid causing her trouble or if she could be facing some sort of infection. the smart thing is to start an iv & get her some fluids...i can't nurse her while she's breathing like she is :'( and they start a round of antibodies while they run some tests
i'll skip all the individual day's bring the good news that at 5 this evening after improving across the day & getting some much needed rest, miss pailyn finally perked up & latched on and nursed away :o) woot! woot! all without the grunting :o)
her second xray shows improvement & her white cell count came back a bit elevated (good we went ahead with the iv) but her gas test & vitals all are great at this point.
i adore her nurses! pailyn is on a 3 hour feeding schedule. missy was there before shift change this morning & back tonight (she'll call me in the room if my girly gets hungry before i show up for her scheduled i can feed on it should be!) rebecca took great care of her today...made her a cute name sign for her station and should be back in the morning.
we are blown away by the umc staff. we are gracious of all the loving concern & prayers. and mostly we are strengthened in our faith by god's grace and hand in our baby girl's life. the surprise she was months ago to the miracle she is today...bennett, heather, chuck, me & pailyn's nana are just so in love with my 6 pounds of sweetness.
i can't post a picture because chuck's laptop can't read my card. and i have to close because it's time to go down & scrub up to spend some time with my baby girl! did i mention she's beautiful?
xoxo keep praying, friends.