sorry, i just couldn't think of a more appropriate title for this post.
i suppose i could have gone with "my baby's bff is cute," but since this is pay's very own blog the former seemed more fitting :o) the latter is totally accurate though, see...
another clever title might have been "cutest mj models *ever*" oh how cheeky our girls were in their new threads!
my roo is an absolute monkey! she enjoys my old rocking chair by doing much more than rocking in it!
aunt katie came to play too. yes i said "aunt" katie. katie, you told me i was family when i dove into politely accepted that yummo chicken earlier in the week so i'm going with it! :o)
plus p & i just love you ...soo as long as mimi doesn't mind sharing, why not?
i'm pretty sure this adorable face was a result of aunt katie.
when angela and the girls arrived at our house and walked in, a precious mimi greeted me with "lindey!" ...just as clear as it could be & totally made my day! she began saying "pay" a good while back & graduated to the cutest version of "pailyn" with an "s" sound slipped in there adorably, but to hear lindey was an absolute treat!
dear pailyn, you can start talking now. now, in fact is a great time for you to try out a few words. please. pretty please? just a few little would be totally worth your while.
and to pailyn's blog stalkers who have cutie little girls in their lives, i am planning to host a mj trunk show when d releases the new line in the fall. comment or email me ((lindeymagee[at]hotmail[dot]com)) if you want to make certain you don't miss out on the opportunity to dress your special lady (baby/toddler, child, tween, there are a few boy accessories, & great stuff for you too!) in mj clothing! i'm even toying with the idea of a lindeymagee photography give away to make things more fun!
how's that for the perfect "the end" photograph? goodness, they are cute!