january has been cold here in south mississippi! brrrr...we've been cooped up far too long, so while this day wasn't particularly nice, it was above freezing & so we ventured out for a bit.
that little roo was beside herself being out-of-doors. i believe, had it been much longer, she may have forgotten a world existed outside of our home.
taking it in :o)
she loves watching bennett do whatever he might be doing...he fascinates her. i remind him of the huge responsibility he has with those impressionable little eyes watching his every move.
we headed around to the front yard. i thought i might be able to snag some nice shots. when i put the roo down & backed away from her to photograph, this is what i got...
these days i am not allowed to leave her side. please note, that she doesn't care to sit with me-she wants to be down, free to move about, but heaven help me if i'm holding her for a bit (like to walk around to the front yard) and put her down! sigh...let's just say i have a little shadow ;o)
nothing like a little distraction via the big sister.
she enjoys flying the first time, after that, not so much. no worries...bennett was deathly afraid of such shenanigans and can hang with me-no problem-on any ride there is :o)
we wrapped our outside time up, came in & de-layered.
not five minutes later:
she passed out while rubbing her eyes (a sure sign that she's tired.) stinkin' adorable!