you heard me right & can see it for yourself! december 17th...marked on the calendar & a true countdown occurred awaiting our big shopping trip and photo with santa at the mall of louisiana in baton rouge. her bff, amelia came along & brought her mom too :o)
the girls were amazing. just amazing! they both chatted and traded paci's and gold fish and such in the backseat for the hour + long drive (we left well before the roo generally even wakes up, mind you) and each decided it would be a good time to fall asleep as we exited onto bluebonnet. it was a nasty, rainy day, so they snoozed while angela & i stalked a decent parking spot. here they are after running through the rain to get into the mall :o) (thanks angela for the pics!)
we did santa pics first thing & i just really had a hunch p would delight in sitting in his lap & i was right! she looked and smiled at the camera and then wouldn't come to me when i held my arms out to get her. i chatted with santa about how she wanted a baby doll for christmas & he let me know how much he enjoyed having such a content baby girl to sit in his lap. :o)
mimi wasn't as much of a fan of jolly 'ol saint nick, but was adorable nonetheless! they let us stroll and shop and each got stroller naps at perfect times and played amongst the clothes in dillard's and fought a bit over a fabulous polo outfit they each wanted. and just generally seemed to enjoy their outing! they hung out a bit during a bathroom was so much fun to see the roo interacting with a friend her age!
we wrapped up our shopping, had worked up an appetite and headed to a very fave restaurant, bravos! for a yummo dinner & can i just say...after a l o n g day...near perfect behavior from these two! they loved the bread and were very tired by the time we were done! amelia was out quickly and p needed some cuddle time from mrs. angela to finally give it up. we had much fun and i so look forward to making the santa pics in br an annual tradition!
photos taken 12.17.09