as she zooms right past yet another are some things i've observed over her 9th month...
you're adorable. i'm partial, but're adorable!
you are officially mobile! this began the day you turned 10 months old, so you've been walking for a month now and had it mastered within a week or so. oh my. you are something & are into everything!
this was one of your first walks. you were in deep concentration...note the tongue, lol!
you are into everything. yes, it bears repeating!
you are crazy about your big brother, but don't appreciate it when he is sent to 'fetch' you from another room (when you leave the den...he often goes to go get you & return you, lol) you make this difficult for him by throwing your arms up in an attempt to slide out of his hands.
and in case it isn't apparent from the above are a chunk. a butterball. chunky monkey.
you are working on those front teeth! the two on the bottom and one on the top have sense been joined by two more on the top. first one just to my right of the right center tooth that came out of nowhere (i guess i was on the look out for the left center tooth and that one snuck up on me & was almost all the way through before i even noticed.) and the left center one is breaking through now. you're handling teething very well!
you love snacktime & i'm thinking it might be a good idea to buy stock in gerber's puffs and yogurt melts!
you enjoyed your very first real shower & loved it!
we spent much of the past month inside because of yucky, rainy weather. but you love to be outside!
rain rain go away...the roo wants to go out and play!
finally...after christmas we got to spend some time outside watching bennett shoot his rocket & fly his rubberband plane :o)
back to the part about you being a chuck. are. daddy, heather, and i were just observing that your thigh is thicker than it is long & that your mastering the walking skill came so easy for you because of your low center of gravity, lol! you are super petite, yet super plump. all in's super adorable!
have i mentioned you *love* shoes? love shoes!
you're a saints fan! really...who isn't this year, but you would have been regardless...your nana would have seen to it if need be. she hasn't had to...we don't miss a game in this house & you dress for the occasion!
you have acquired a great appreciation for the opening song on christmas vacation (your momma's favorite movie of all time, followed closely by the sound of music, mary poppins and annie) you stop whatever you're doing and watch the cartoon santa struggle with his delivery :o) and dance a jig too.
(insert video here)
your vocabulary hasn't expanded much. basically you love babbling momma, dadda, and a few other 'b' and 'd' sounds. you've said bye bye before, but aren't a fan of doing it on command. you prefer to wave hello to people as opposed to waving bye. you do both, but greet people with a wave if they pay you attention in public or at church :o) you even have your own little sound for 'hey!' while you aren't putting together 'real' words just sure aren't quiet either...preferring to speak in your own language for the time being.
you enjoyed your first christmas almost as much as i enjoyed watching you enjoy it! a new fifth stocking was added. new traditions began. watching the big kids grow up so very quickly is just a little less painful knowing that's not it for daddy & i. we all- heather & bennett included love our little caboose...God certainly knew what He was doing!
bring on the 11th month! (and please let it pass by a bit more slowly than the last 10)