...for a friend that is!
what a sweet little hostess miss amelia was! she greeted the roo with such love! the roo, however was in the still-waking-up stage after our drive there.
what is that? a balloon, perhaps? the birthday girl's sweet aunts are tickled by amelia's commentary towards the roo :o) a 'baa-bii'
have i mentioned the roo is a focused child?
yeah! she has it! and below we have the sweet family of three!
amelia quite enjoyed her moment in the spotlight. especially the cake part ;o)
once it was time to open gifts, the roo was very much over being held. she wanted down! check it out...she's working on same hair!
she got right to leaf eating!
amelia shared some gift bags & paper & miss pailyn was quite entertained! (note the grass near her mouth, she may or may not have eaten some)
p's first sweet :o) ...well, i know nana's slipped her some snoball in the past, but this is her first sweet with me.
i think she liked it!
and bonus that's a perfectly adorable marshmallow with colorful sprinkles! nice job angela :o)
bonus, bonus! it wasn't even messy!
the girl's farewells...
and one last adorable pic of the mom & dad with their sweet birthday girl (who was headed in for a nap) being a hostess is hard work!
and to show that i was in attendance too...here we are headed to amelia's birthday parking lot (yeah, :o) for real) down the street to head home with my my sugared up party girl! she was out before we hit the interstate!
we love you guys! thanks so much for such a beautiful party & a fun, fun time!