was a fun one! it was more a planned adventure for nana and bennett that we sort of invited ourselves on, but i needed a break from landsource and photography for the day and pailyn was game for the ride ;o) nana took us to the children's museum in new orleans & it was fabulous!
i have to say i think the big brother looks like his momma in this picture! except maybe he has more hair than i do, lol! i don't care what anyone says or thinks (mom!) i *love* his hair. he had a ball in the grocery store! and can i just say...if i had access to this as a child, i would seriously want to move in!
i did a little grocery shopping myself so my dude could check me out. note him realizing one of my purchases as he scanned it, lol.
sadly my kids have no idea what this tree is. i recall staying at mrs. susan barryhills during the summer and hating *hating* nap time (i never could sleep! ...hmm that may be where the roo gets it from.) and being so ready to one of the older kids who got to stay up and watch mr. rodger's neighborhood. how funny is that?!
remember mr. owl? and the trolley?
the huge bubble was very cool! we met a friend of nana's there that lives near NO and her little boy will had fun showing bennett around...it wasn't his first trip :o)
the roo was fabulous and enjoyed her outing. i enjoyed it too! it will be fun to take her back when she is old enough to enjoy pushing that grocery cart!