I have no idea whether this will post or not. But...it needs to be documented that p and I are hanging out late together in the monkey chair.
I have seen more big 'ol pailyn smiles in the past hour than I have in a combined week!
My baby finally feels good :o) I knew all that fussyness was her tummy. It kicked in right as we faded the nursing out. (making the fact that you couldn't nurse just that much more traumatic!)
Dr. Charles hooked us up with some new formula and 3 bottles have gone by...sweet baby is being sweet! The darn shots have had her sacked out all day, but the past hour has been a total pleasure with my baby girl!
Pailyn, you just sucked your thumb to sleep as I'm keying this in while holding you. We are headed to bed...to sleep soundly while listening to the thunder and rain.
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